When you have a choice,… then what is the gift

The Choice

The AWARD-WINNING SUNDAY TIMES AND New York Times bestseller Even in hell, hope can flower Ill be forever changed by her story – Oprah Winfrey Extraordinary . . . will stick with you long after you read it – Bill Gates One of those rare and eternal stories you dont want to end – Desmond Tutu A masterpiece of holocaust literature. Her memoir, like her life, is extraordinary, harrowing and inspiring in equal measure – the Times Literary Supplement I cant imagine a more important message for modern times.

Egers book is a triumph – the New York Times In 1944, sixteen-year-old ballerina Edith Eger was sent to Auschwitz. Separated from her parents on arrival, she endures unimaginable experiences, including being made to dance for the infamous Josef Mengele. When the camp is finally liberated, she is pulled from a pile of bodies, barely alive. the horrors of the Holocaust didnt break Edith. In fact, they helped her learn to live again with a life-affirming strength and a truly remarkable resilience. the Choice is her unforgettable story. It shows that hope can flower in the most unlikely places.


The Gift

The Choice moved them and inspired them to confront their own past and try to heal their pain; and to ask her to write another, more, how-to book. Now, in The Gift, Eger expands on her message of healing and provides a hands-on guide that gently encourages us to change the thoughts and behaviors that may be keeping us imprisoned in the past.

Eger explains that the worst prison she experienced is not the prison that Nazis put her in but the one she created for herself, the prison within her own mind. She describes the twelve most pervasive imprisoning beliefs she has known; including fear, grief, anger, secrets, stress, guilt, shame, and avoidance, and the tools she has discovered to deal with these universal challenges.

Accompanied by stories from Eger’s own life and the lives of her patients each chapter includes thought-provoking questions and takeaways, such as:

  • Would you like to be married to you?
  • Are you evolving or revolving?
  • You can’t heal what you can’t feel.

Filled with empathy, insight, and humor, The Gift captures the vulnerability and common challenges we all face and provides encouragement and advice for breaking out of our personal prisons to find healing and enjoy life.


De held in je eigen verhaal

“De held in je eigen verhaal kan je toepassen op iedere situatie in je leven…. in gesprek met een ander, op een organisatie, op jezelf in relatie met een ander of organisatie, eigen op ieder systeem. Je wordt je bewust van de stappen die je wel zet en die je niet zet en wat de gevolgen zijn van de wel en niet gezette stappen. Ook geeft het handvatten hoe van de ene naar de andere stap te komen.

Een mooie manier om bewust te worden van je mogelijkheden om te veranderen of om juist door te gaan met wat je al deed. Wanneer je je eigen verhaal leert kennen aan de hand van de 12 stappen, leer je het ook herkennen bij anderen en weet je hoe je je zelf verder kan bewegen op weg naar jouw toekomst. Een fantastisch perspectief om perspectief te creëren. Jouw verhaal, een prachtig verhaal zonder einde….”



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